Health Screening
"Prevention is better than cure" - At OneCare Medical, we encourage our patients to take on routine health screening to pick up or follow-up on common medical conditions. This way, we ensure that conditions are well controlled and diseases are picked up and treated before they become severe.
By listening to your medical history and learning more about your lifestyle and other diseases that run in the family, our doctors will be able to work out a preliminary (and subsequent screening) program that will ensure a healthy and fulfilling life for you.
Available Health Screening Packages at OneCare Clinics:
Have a health screening package booked with us?
You may find the preparation instructions for your health screening appointment here.
If not, book your health screening package by choosing your options on this page.
(There is no payment required to book an appointment. Payment for your package will be made during your clinic visit.)
Book your health screening package with us today!
Choose a heath screening package: